A Century of Innovations in Dentistry
A Century of Innovations That Transformed the Practice of Dentistry No one doubts that the past century gave rise to major advances in dentistry. To evoke the triumphs of the recent past, experts in various areas have provided a retrospective glance – and in some cases, personal reminiscences – that take us “back to the future,” a time not so very far away that set the stage for the dental technologies we now take for granted. Fluoride At the dawn of the twentieth century, the dentist’s armamentarium for treating dental caries consisted basically of one approach: tooth extraction. Effective caries prevention techniques were nonexistent and, not surprisingly, dental decay was rampant in the United States and in most Western nations. Then, in 1945, Dr. H. Trendley Dean, the first direc - tor of the National Institute for Dental Research, now the National Institute for Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR), introduced the concept of water fluoridation. Since that ti...